Category: Mind
I am coming to you on a very rainy day where I live. I hope that where you call home things are a little more pleasant. I actually don’t mind the rain but I know that for some it can be an issue. On to why I am writing you today. I was thinking about…
Yes! It’s Possible To Eat Out And Get Lean & Healthy! Discover The Healthiest Meals To Get At All Your Favorite Restaurants In Boise, Eagle, Meridian, Nampa & Caldwell! Get your FREE download HERE.
Are your thoughts ruining your life?
If you’re reading this know it isn’t by accident. You were meant to read this and begin the process of letting go of your limiting beliefs. You see, far too many of us are walking around with a ‘poverty mindset’ and then wonder why we lack those things we truly desire. Whatever you are…
You no longer have to struggle with losing weight and getting in shape
“At Last! A Weight Loss Program That Actually Produces Long-Lasting & Life-Changing Results!” Discover the Tricks to Weight Loss That Bobbi and So Many Others Have At Born Again Fitness… Dear Friend: It’s really true…You CAN Lose Weight and Keep it Off FOREVER! And, it really isn’t difficult…once you let me show you how……
What do you believe to be true about yourself?
I hope you are having a great Saturday. I was able to get away for some time this morning and go watch some youth soccer matches. It is always a different experience when I can just watch the game and not have to worry about coaching it. I had an interesting conversation with a mom…
Do you struggle with negative self-talk?
“I can’t stand to look at you” “You make me sick” “You can’t do anything right!” “You never see things through” “This time won’t be any different. You will fail just like before” “You’re so fat” “What a loser” How long would you allow someone to remain in your life if they spoke to you…
Your past only has as much power as you give it
I don’t care what your past looks like, where you came from, what you did, or what someone said about you. If you want to change your life for the better you CAN. You don’t have to become what was spoken over you. You’re not a loser, no good, worthless, shameful, etc. You are a…
God is good
Matthew 17:20-21 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, Remove from here to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Math was my MOUNTAIN. As…
Are you PASSIONATE about your life or are you merely EXISTING?
The older I get the more I truly realize what matters in life. It isn’t about acquiring more “things” or making more money. You can have all the “toys” and money in the world and still feel very empty, lonely, and unfulfilled. The one thing that truly motivated me to change my life was my…
You are only as sick as the secrets that you keep.
I know many of you suffer in silence, bound by the secrets that you keep. The reality is we all have both a public and private life. We put on our best “face” to the outside and create our secret life to hide those aspects of ourselves that we are ashamed of. You may be…