I am coming to you on a very rainy day where I live. I hope that where you call home things are a little more pleasant. I actually don’t mind the rain but I know that for some it can be an issue. 

On to why I am writing you today. I was thinking about my own journey over the last 20+ years, the highs and lows, and how far I have come. I look back to all that I overcame and remember at one point I never thought I would. 

Can you relate to that?

Do you catch yourself thinking that the life you have right now is all there will be for you and it won’t get any better?

How does that make you feel to read that or even be the one speaking that to yourself on an almost daily basis?

I want to tell you a story about what finally helped me to turn my life around and get serious about losing weight and improving my health. 

You see for years I struggled with being obese, not overweight, but obese. I used food as a way to cope for as long as I can remember. As a child that is really the only ‘drug’ you have access to, so that became my way to escape all the painful emotions that life brought. 

For those who don’t know I came from a pretty abusive childhood that fed into my emotional and binge eating disorder. The majority of my clients have also come from this background of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. Many have experienced all three, but that is for another story. 

It’s crazy when I look back and think about my life then. You would think that just being miserable with myself would have been enough of a push to change but it wasn’t. If you struggle with your weight then you know what I’m talking about. I was literally a prisoner in my own body and I hated it, and if I’m being honest, myself. I hated that I allowed myself to get so big [nearly 300lbs] but I felt I was so far gone that there was no hope for my situation. 

Just the thought of trying to lose weight felt so overwhelming that it would typically cause me to procrastinate on taking action to change or when I did try to change I would ultimately end up sabotaging myself because deep inside I didn’t believe I would be successful or worthy of a better life. I had come to the place where even though I was miserable I chose to settle. 

I remember the looks of disgust I would get from some people. How I was treated differently just because of my weight and how that made me feel so small. Just doing simple tasks were made that much harder because of my weight. My self-esteem and self-worth was shot, but I desperately tried to hide it daily behind a fake smile. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I had some moments of happiness, but it didn’t last. In those moments that I found myself all alone all I felt was incredible self loathing and hopelessness.

I had tried every diet you could think of…cabbage soup diet, medifast, dexatrim diet pills, fasting, low carb, no carb, low fat, and the list goes on.

None of it worked long term and it always came back to one thing. 

My weight, and quite possibly yours, was never about the food. 

It never was and never will be.

Think about it.

How many diets have you been on? how many times have you lost weight only to gain it back? if it was as simple as a dietary change or exercise plan you probably wouldn’t be reading this right now. 

Now onto how I made my change. 

The best thing that ever happened to me was slipping down a flight of stairs and straining a muscle in my back. Most people wouldn’t think so but it most likely save my life and put me on a journey of change. 

You see at the time I didn’t know I strained a muscle, but later on that night while laying in bed I felt this intense pain on my left side when I took in deep breaths. 

I thought I was having a heart attack. 

In that moment I cried out to God and said I would change my ways if I could live. I was scared and the thought of death and potentially losing my life finally became more important than any piece of food I could put in my mouth. 

The faith based coaching system that I use with my clients today is what I used for myself to finally be able to come to peace with myself, my thoughts, and my body. I was finally able to deal with my emotional eating in a healthy way and stop running from my emotions. I got to that place where I could sit with them, acknowledge them, and allow them to move on without stuffing my face with my favorite jo-jo doughnuts and liter of Coke!

Back then I settled for jobs that I hated but worked because I didn’t think I deserved better, stayed in abusive relationships because I thought I was luck to have someone at my size, and existed. Today I am pursuing my Masters in Social Work, coaching amazing clients, a girls high school soccer coach, and visionary. None of this would have ever been possible had I chosen to stay where I was at. The Godfidence that I have today is directly tied to the work I had to do on myself. You know that part that we all want to skip? that is where the magic is and where you will find out who you really are and what your purpose is in this life. 

It is all about addressing the mind, body, and spirit. If you leave out any of these parts of yourself you won’t find the long lasting results that you want. 

I went from hating my life to now loving it. From not seeing a future for myself to realizing that I can do anything I want and that the only limit was me. I am now free to dream of the life I want and pursue it having the faith that with God I can do all things. 

I share my story with you because I want you to know that if you find yourself in that place of hopelessness you aren’t alone. If you find yourself scared to try again because deep down you feel you will fail or that you aren’t worthy, you aren’t alone. 

I get it.

That is why I love what I do. I am already inside my clients head. I know the excuses you’ll tell yourself to not start, how you’ll talk yourself out of doing anything that might be good for you, and even when you will want to quit. 

This journey isn’t easy my friend. If you are brave enough to start you are going to have to face some things that will make you uncomfortable, afraid, and want to shrink back in f.e.a.r. 

With that being said, I would rather go through all of that then sit back passively while life passed me by and my health just got worse with each passing day. To me that isn’t living, but rather existing and I know for a fact that God didn’t put us here to just exist. He wants you to live your life fully and I truly believe we can’t do that if we are in bondage to anything. At some point we have made food an idol in our lives and we need to address that if we are to be made whole again in Him.

Are you at that place where you are tired of just existing? Do you feel deep down that there is more out there for you than what you are currently settling for?

Don’t be like most people who continue to stay on the hamster wheel and keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome. You and I both know that the answer to your problem isn’t going to be solved with another fad diet.

If you can relate to any of what I said and feel led to reach out to me, I encourage you to do so. I trust God to send to me those He knows I can help and that tug you feel at your soul isHis prompting. 

I don’t care where you are at right now physically, mentally, or emotionally. You ARE NOT so far gone that you cannot be helped or get the results you want. All you have to do is take that first, and hardest step, and reach out to me today. 

Hit reply and lets connect.

I am also going to give you a FREE gift that can help you only if you put it to use. You’ll find it attached to this email below. 

God bless,

P.S. Whenever you are ready, here are some ways I can help

Stay on track and journal your experiences with my 30 day devotional. It is packed with motivational tips and scripture to help keep you on track.

Do you need to ‘reset’ your body, lose fat, have more energy and eliminate joint pain? try my 21 day reset.

If you need help with nutrition, training, and want to find out how your emotional eating is impacting you today grab my coaching guide. It will give you the blueprint to your success. 


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