Category: Christians
LEAN in 30: Accelerated Fat Loss
It’s Coach Brandon here… and I want to tell you how you can Transform the way you look and feel in just 4-short weeks with LEAN in 30 Accelerated Fat Loss Group AND get into the best shape of your life, guaranteed! It’s going to be fun, require just 4-5 hours of exercise a week and take just 4 short weeks for you to get…
How do I stop my emotional eating?
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you can’t stop your binge/emotional eating even though it is ruining your life? If you still aren’t sure if you are an emotional eater, if you find yourself eating for any other reason than legitimate hunger, you are eating out of emotion. If you have followed me…
The only way to lose weight [fat].
I want to revisit a very important topic for those of you who have committed to losing weight in 2020. A lot of people still think that if they begin an exercise program that they can still eat whatever they want. WRONG. You will not have any success trying to out-train a poor diet. You…
Use these tips to kick-start your weight loss
Use these tips to effectively help you to win the ‘battle of the bulge’ and get in the best shape of your life. Tip #1: Get your calories from solid foods, reducing your consumption of sugary drinks and soda. Tip #2: To reduce how much you eat, drink a glass of water 30 minutes before,…
Why a lack of motivation isn’t your problem
I hope you are doing well so far and are excited for the upcoming week. I’ll make this message short and sweet. I’ve been talking to folks who complain that they aren’t ‘motivated’ when it comes to getting in shape or making any life changes that would benefit them. I told them that was rubbish…
Emotional Eating
I am back with my final post regarding emotional eating and how our beliefs determine our feelings and behavior.Keep in mind that in order to be free from your stress eating you must be aware of your beliefs before you can change them. If you change your beliefs then you can expect to experience new…
Physical vs. Emotional Hunger
“Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full.” It sounds so simple, yet countless people struggle with putting this principle into practice. Why is overeating such a battle? One of the main reasons is because people aren’t tuned in to their bodies. They lose sensitivity to true stomach hunger, and get it confused with a…
I am coming to you on a very rainy day where I live. I hope that where you call home things are a little more pleasant. I actually don’t mind the rain but I know that for some it can be an issue. On to why I am writing you today. I was thinking about…
Yes! It’s Possible To Eat Out And Get Lean & Healthy! Discover The Healthiest Meals To Get At All Your Favorite Restaurants In Boise, Eagle, Meridian, Nampa & Caldwell! Get your FREE download HERE.
Are your thoughts ruining your life?
If you’re reading this know it isn’t by accident. You were meant to read this and begin the process of letting go of your limiting beliefs. You see, far too many of us are walking around with a ‘poverty mindset’ and then wonder why we lack those things we truly desire. Whatever you are…