Author: bornagain
Another fitness myth that must die.
NO, you will not magically gain weight if you eat after 7pm. I don’t care if you’re eating fat, protein, carbohydrates,etc. This simply isn’t true. Weight loss will always come down to being in an energy (calorie) deficit, period. Nothing crazy complicated about it folks. Don’t be afraid to eat after 7pm. You won’t get…
Your past only has as much power as you give it
I don’t care what your past looks like, where you came from, what you did, or what someone said about you. If you want to change your life for the better you CAN. You don’t have to become what was spoken over you. You’re not a loser, no good, worthless, shameful, etc. You are a…
God is good
Matthew 17:20-21 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, Remove from here to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Math was my MOUNTAIN. As…
How to lose weight with PCOS
The Facts: Insulin resistance is the main reason why it’s more challenging for you to lose weight with PCOS and generally. About 80% of the women with PCOS have insulin resistance but then again if you’re overweight… Chances are you already have an insulin resistance but without me going into a long complicated explanation of…
Are you getting enough FAT in your diet?
Despite being vilified for many years, dietary fats are one of the 3 main nutrients that your body needs to function properly. Their numerous health benefits include controlling blood levels of cholesterol and glucose, preventing the development of cancer, reducing your heart disease risk and supporting your vital organs (including your brain, your heart, your…
Are you PASSIONATE about your life or are you merely EXISTING?
The older I get the more I truly realize what matters in life. It isn’t about acquiring more “things” or making more money. You can have all the “toys” and money in the world and still feel very empty, lonely, and unfulfilled. The one thing that truly motivated me to change my life was my…
You are only as sick as the secrets that you keep.
I know many of you suffer in silence, bound by the secrets that you keep. The reality is we all have both a public and private life. We put on our best “face” to the outside and create our secret life to hide those aspects of ourselves that we are ashamed of. You may be…
Decrease body-fat and improve overall conditioning
For decreasing body-fat and truly maximizing your time spent in the gym I recommend high intensity circuit training. This is a fast and efficient way to lose body-fat and elicit aerobic and metabolic effects. Research shows that the benefits of circuit training can last as long as 72 hours…far longer than doing traditional cardio for…
Can I go a little deeper this morning? I hope you don’t mind.
Who are you behind your mask? Lets go a little deeper… I have learned over the years that when we are truly authentic with those around us we in turn give them permission to be who they truly are. Have you ever been around someone who you could tell was putting on a show? Maybe…
Renew your mind and change your life
I know that it is easy for those who have struggled with their weight for a long period of time to remain stuck in denial. We KNOW that we need to do something about our health but we tell ourselves, “It isn’t really THAT bad” but it really is. We know that God cares about…