Author: bornagain
You no longer have to struggle with losing weight and getting in shape
“At Last! A Weight Loss Program That Actually Produces Long-Lasting & Life-Changing Results!” Discover the Tricks to Weight Loss That Bobbi and So Many Others Have At Born Again Fitness… Dear Friend: It’s really true…You CAN Lose Weight and Keep it Off FOREVER! And, it really isn’t difficult…once you let me show you how……
Try this tip to make change easier
I wanted to change, I needed to change, but I really didn’t know HOW to change. So, you find yourself wanting to make a change, to do things differently in your life but like most people you stay stuck just THINKING about it. When I wanted to take my health and fitness to the next…
What do you believe to be true about yourself?
I hope you are having a great Saturday. I was able to get away for some time this morning and go watch some youth soccer matches. It is always a different experience when I can just watch the game and not have to worry about coaching it. I had an interesting conversation with a mom…
Jump start your fitness, feel great, and have more confidence
If you’re tired of trying to guess which exercises to do to give you the best results and what foods to eat to lose weight, I have you covered. Many of my clients struggled with this as well before coming to me. They went to the gym and did those exercises they thought would help,…
Normal eaters versus emotional eaters
Over the years of working with many clients I have noticed a trend with those who are ‘normal’ eaters and those who are not [emotional]. Those who don’t have issues surrounding food are able to listen to their bodies and overall make healthy choices. They are able to stop when full, trust themselves to make…
Are you constantly hungry?
Do you find yourself hungry all the time? Some of these reasons may be why. Poor sleep habits: Sleep is required for proper brain function and also is vitally important for a healthy immune system. If you’re not sleeping well you can be sure to get sick more often and will find yourself making poor…
What we do to avoid facing the truth in our lives
Okay, this is gonna be deep so take a deep breath. I was sitting here just thinking about all the stuff we go through in order to avoid facing the TRUTH. Look at your own life and really think about it. Get RADICALLY honest with yourself and you’ll see what I am talking about. Somewhere…
How are you spending your time?
This topic has been on my mind a lot lately, so I decided to share it with all of you. I want you to take a minute to think about the most valuable thing that we own, but many of us don’t realize the true value of it until it is gone. We waste it…
Exercises to strengthen your core
Watch this is you have any kind of low back issues. ☝️ You must strengthen your core, booty, and possibly other weak muscle groups. There may be some you need to stretch and others you need to leave alone. This isn’t a ‘quick fix’ issue by any means, but if you’re consistent you’ll notice a considerable…
Use these tips to help you lose fat and get in great shape
Use these tips to effectively help you to win the ‘battle of the bulge’ and get in the best shape of your life. Tip #1: Get your calories from solid foods, reducing your consumption of sugary drinks and soda. Tip #2: To reduce how much you eat, drink a glass of water 30 minutes before,…