Try this tip to make change easier

I wanted to change, I needed to change, but I really didn’t know HOW to change.

So, you find yourself wanting to make a change, to do things differently in your life but like most people you stay stuck just THINKING about it.

When I wanted to take my health and fitness to the next level and break out of the rut of eating a box of raspberry filled doughnuts and 2 liter bottle of Coke every other day I knew I had to change what I was doing.

Thinking about what you want to accomplish is a great start but that won’t get you off your butt and moving.

If you find yourself in a similar position you must ask yourself, “What would I be doing if I already had achieved my goal?”
So, if your goal was to drop 10 pounds, gain strength and look and feel better, what would that look like? What would that ‘future’ you be doing every day to make this happen?

Well, you could assume this ‘future’ you would be planning their meals and workouts. You would be educating yourself on healthier food choices. Your ‘future’ you may also be watching less T.V. at night and getting more sleep and engaging in activities that get you outside of the house.

Really think about what it is you have to do to get to where you want to be. Make a list of what you would need to do and commit to doing at least one thing on that list EVERY DAY.

I don’t care if it’s as small as walking for 10 minutes, drinking a glass of water instead of a soda or only having one slice of pizza instead of five. The purpose of this is to get you to begin to move in the direction of your goal(s).

You must take ACTION if you want to achieve anything worthwhile in this life. Don’t allow those voices in your head to stop you from trying.

Can you think of one thing you can do today to move you closer to your goal? Tell me about it and let me see if I can help.


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