Category: Healing
Your past only has as much power as you give it
I don’t care what your past looks like, where you came from, what you did, or what someone said about you. If you want to change your life for the better you CAN. You don’t have to become what was spoken over you. You’re not a loser, no good, worthless, shameful, etc. You are a…
Are you PASSIONATE about your life or are you merely EXISTING?
The older I get the more I truly realize what matters in life. It isn’t about acquiring more “things” or making more money. You can have all the “toys” and money in the world and still feel very empty, lonely, and unfulfilled. The one thing that truly motivated me to change my life was my…
You are only as sick as the secrets that you keep.
I know many of you suffer in silence, bound by the secrets that you keep. The reality is we all have both a public and private life. We put on our best “face” to the outside and create our secret life to hide those aspects of ourselves that we are ashamed of. You may be…