Category: Calories
You no longer have to struggle with losing weight and getting in shape
“At Last! A Weight Loss Program That Actually Produces Long-Lasting & Life-Changing Results!” Discover the Tricks to Weight Loss That Bobbi and So Many Others Have At Born Again Fitness… Dear Friend: It’s really true…You CAN Lose Weight and Keep it Off FOREVER! And, it really isn’t difficult…once you let me show you how……
Try this tip to make change easier
I wanted to change, I needed to change, but I really didn’t know HOW to change. So, you find yourself wanting to make a change, to do things differently in your life but like most people you stay stuck just THINKING about it. When I wanted to take my health and fitness to the next…
What do you believe to be true about yourself?
I hope you are having a great Saturday. I was able to get away for some time this morning and go watch some youth soccer matches. It is always a different experience when I can just watch the game and not have to worry about coaching it. I had an interesting conversation with a mom…
Are you constantly hungry?
Do you find yourself hungry all the time? Some of these reasons may be why. Poor sleep habits: Sleep is required for proper brain function and also is vitally important for a healthy immune system. If you’re not sleeping well you can be sure to get sick more often and will find yourself making poor…
Another fitness myth that must die.
NO, you will not magically gain weight if you eat after 7pm. I don’t care if you’re eating fat, protein, carbohydrates,etc. This simply isn’t true. Weight loss will always come down to being in an energy (calorie) deficit, period. Nothing crazy complicated about it folks. Don’t be afraid to eat after 7pm. You won’t get…
How to lose weight with PCOS
The Facts: Insulin resistance is the main reason why it’s more challenging for you to lose weight with PCOS and generally. About 80% of the women with PCOS have insulin resistance but then again if you’re overweight… Chances are you already have an insulin resistance but without me going into a long complicated explanation of…
Decrease body-fat and improve overall conditioning
For decreasing body-fat and truly maximizing your time spent in the gym I recommend high intensity circuit training. This is a fast and efficient way to lose body-fat and elicit aerobic and metabolic effects. Research shows that the benefits of circuit training can last as long as 72 hours…far longer than doing traditional cardio for…
How to help end emotional eating
Do you find yourself constantly struggling with overeating? This may be why. Dopamine is a hormone that is involved with appetite regulation and the reward system in the brain. Did you ever wonder why you couldn’t stop at just one cookie or slice of cake? or why you eat even when you’re not legitimately hungry?…
Figure out how many calories you need to support your fitness goals.
So you have decided that you want to lose weight and get into shape. If you plan on making this time successful you need to know how much to eat daily. In terms of your energy needs you can use the formula below to calculate your daily caloric [energy] needs. I would break these numbers…