Author: bornagain
Soccer Specific Fitness Program
Do you want your child to become a better athlete, avoid injuries, improve their confidence on the pitch? if so, they should be doing some form of strength training, along with more technical work as they get older. This is especially true for the female athlete as this will help to reduce, or prevent, many…
Let go and allow the process to happen
I know for years, maybe even decades, you’ve struggled with your weight. I want you to know I’ve been there, I did too. It wasn’t until I realized that I was the one adding all the pressure to the experience. Once I “let go” and allowed the process to happen, it became much easier. These…
Are your beliefs holding you back?
The biggest thing that I see when working with clients that causes them to not be as successful as they would like is their beliefs. This change we want to see occur most always will mean a change in routine, behavior and in some cases can be a major change in lifestyle. (Matthew 17:20 He…
9 easy ways to avoid a weight loss plateau
Here are 9 simple things that you can do to get your weight loss moving in the right direction if you’ve hit a plateau. Exercise more. This seems obvious enough, but many don’t do it. If you’re training 2x a week, then try adding in another 2 days of activity to your training program. You…
How are you spending your time?
This topic has been on my mind a lot lately, so I decided to share it with all of you. I want you to take a minute to think about the most valuable thing that we own, but many of us don’t realize the true value of it until it is gone. We waste it…
Being Overweight or Obese Sucks
Being overweight or clinically obese SUCKS. I don’t care what anyone else says or tries to convince themselves of. It is unhealthy, it is mentally and physically exhausting, it erodes your self-esteem, and can rob you of a decent life. I know firsthand because for YEARS I was obese. I tried to convince myself that…
Avoid yo-yo dieting
I see this far too often from people with good intentions. The crazy low calorie diets that people are going to go on in hopes of losing WEIGHT. You really should be after FAT LOSS, but I know what you’re saying. EAT LESS AND MOVE MORE! That is the mantra of most of you out…
What types of protein should you use, how much, and what types
What is the difference between the difference protein powders out there? (e.g. whey, casein, vegetarian) Answer: The key difference between whey and casein is that whey is absorbed in the digestive system quickly, whereas casein is absorbed slowly and steadily. Egg white protein was the most popular type of protein supplement for many years before…
Do you struggle with negative self-talk?
“I can’t stand to look at you” “You make me sick” “You can’t do anything right!” “You never see things through” “This time won’t be any different. You will fail just like before” “You’re so fat” “What a loser” How long would you allow someone to remain in your life if they spoke to you…