How are you spending your time?

This topic has been on my mind a lot lately, so I decided to share it with all of you.

I want you to take a minute to think about the most valuable thing that we own, but many of us don’t realize the true value of it until it is gone.

We waste it every day on things that really don’t matter, only to look back, and wonder where it has gone.


The thing we take for granted, until it is gone.

We waste countless hours of our time on things that don’t matter.

We tell ourselves that we will, “do it tomorrow.”

We play on Facebook, watch T.V., surf the internet, pour all our energy into a job, continue to do things we know don’t work, etc.

I can look back on my own life and see where this held true. I had allowed myself to become consumed with work and school. I felt like I was doing the right thing at the time, but looking back I can see how I allowed that to get in the way of personal relationships.

What I was doing wasn’t inherently wrong, but the time I was spending on these things was out of balance.

I had to pull back, reduce the hours I was working, and intentionally make spending time with loved ones a priority. Fast forward to today and one way I am doing this by coaching my daughter in soccer. This is my third year with her, and I plan on coaching girls’ soccer in high school, God willing. My daughter and I get to spend a lot more time together and are making memories that will last long after I am gone.

So, my question to you is, “where are you spending your time?”

Are you neglecting your health or family because you’re spending your time doing other trivial things?

What can you do today to begin to spend your time more wisely?

I think we all can benefit from asking ourselves this question every now and then.

Where we spend our time will reflect what we prioritize in life.

One day you and I are going to ‘run out of time’ so be sure you spent it well.

If you recognize that you need to make some changes in your life, leave me a comment and tell me how you will do this.


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