I hope you are having a great Saturday. I was able to get away for some time this morning and go watch some youth soccer matches. It is always a different experience when I can just watch the game and not have to worry about coaching it.
I had an interesting conversation with a mom at this one game. She knows I am a lifestyle/fitness coach and asked me if she could run something by me. I said “sure” and told her to fire away with her questions. She wanted to know why she had such a hard time losing weight and staying on track.
She told me how she starts off pumped up and motivated only to end up feeling flat and deflated within a weeks’ time. She went on to tell me how she felt like a failure because of how many times she has tried to lose weight with little to no success. She has tried Weight Watchers, Keto, fasting, and even used prescription diet pills and nothing worked for her long term.
I told her that it really wasn’t her fault as to why she wasn’t succeeding. I said it really comes down to the beliefs you hold to be true about yourself. You see, anything you find yourself really struggling with in your life can be traced back to what you hold to be true about that thing.
I’ll give you an example of what I mean. Growing up my parents had some very interesting beliefs surrounding money. They had what I call a ‘deprivation mindset’ and like many of us, didn’t know it. I can remember vividly them always saying how they couldn’t afford something or they had to save money for a rainy day.
They were constantly speaking ‘lack’ into their lives when it came to money and they unknowingly passed these beliefs onto me. I grew up with the same mindset about money. I always felt like being financially well off was meant for everyone else but me. This was all due to my programming I received as a child by my well meaning parents.
I have since been able to work through that false belief and no longer hold that to be true. I had to be very intentional to reprogram my subconscious as this is where virtually all our mental blocks reside. Think of your subconscious mind like a tape player, until you change the tape, nothing will change.
This is where this ladies issues with weight loss were taking place. Her subconscious beliefs about herself were keeping her stuck and fat. I told her until she took measures to address those false beliefs she held about herself that she would most likely continue to struggle. Think about yourself. How many times have you tried to lose weight only to hear that voice in your head tell you that “you’ll fail just like last time” or “you won’t be successful.” Maybe you said something different, but the message was still a negative one. These limiting beliefs are keeping you stuck but it doesn’t have to be this way.
Maybe you can relate to this woman’s story that I shared. Maybe your issue isn’t weight at all, but is related to money, relationships, etc. No matter what it is, you can be assured that those areas in your life in which you struggle to change can be traced back to limiting beliefs.
Many of my clients have come from a background of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, so you can imagine how many of them grew up in a very chaotic environment. I tell these clients that I work with that their behaviors are just a manifestation of the abuse that they endured. The good thing is they survived the abuse and now they can change the dysfunctional behavior that is now causing problems in their lives. That could be emotional eating, binge eating, sex addiction, using alcohol to escape, etc.
If you have followed me for any amount of time then you know my story. I am a survivor of sexual abuse, weighed nearly 300 pounds, and was miserable for a big portion of my life. I was always dieting and trying to lose weight, but I didn’t want to be healthy. I was desperate. I was tired of the self-loathing that I felt towards myself and I was sure that if I was able to lose the weight I would finally have the happiness I was so desperately craving. By following a detailed plan, one many of my clients now use, I was able to get off the weight loss roller coaster and lose nearly 100 pounds and have kept it off.
Just like we are told to ‘renew our minds’ in Romans, I was able to do just that. That is the biggest thing that helped me to get to where I am today. I had to work on changing those limiting beliefs that I had about myself. I had to ‘change the tape’ and put in a new one. I put in a new tape that told me I could do anything I set my mind to do and that I was worth it. Friends, the process isn’t an easy one, but it was the best thing I ever did for me and those around me. I became a better son, brother, and dad because of it.
So, what are you struggling with? What is that one thing you truly want to see change in your life but you keep running into resistance? You can be sure that you have some limiting beliefs surrounding that. Just know you aren’t a failure if you haven’t had the success that you want. You just need to take a different approach to your situation. If you’d like to know more about my coaching program and how I can help you to change your own ‘tape’ and finally have the life you want please reach out to me today.
Go here to get started.
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