Category: Weight loss
New Years resolutions tips to help you guarantee success this year.
Hi Friends, Without delay, let us get into the top new years resolutions tips to help you guarantee success this year. And the first tip is critical to your success: Be Realistic: This is the thing that you absolutely must start out with. If you are not realistic about your new years resolution, you are…
Are you lazy?
I don’t know about you, but I know plenty of lazy people. People that would rather spend the entire day parked on their couch than anywhere else. People that eat take-out food every single night over a good home cooked meal. People that would choose to have a root canal over working out. Of course…
Are you a sugar or fat burner?
It is important to use the right fuel… both for cars and for people. For instance, one could put aviation fuel or diesel fuel into a gas burning automobile engine and it would burn for a while the wrong fuel… but the engine would be damaged because it would be damaged by excess heat and/or…
My weight loss story
I am going to elaborate on my background before I share my weight loss experience today. I grew up in a pretty chaotic environment. It wasn’t all bad but it helped to contribute to me being a very obese child and young adult. I was absolutely miserable although I would try to put on a…
How to overcome emotional eating
Stop trying to “fix” an internal problem with external solutions. Since our beliefs drive our behavior, healthy or unhealthy, then it stands to reason going on another fad diet isn’t the answer to an internal problem. You have to go inside and address the beliefs that are driving you to emotional eating, drink to excess,…
Overweight? expect to lose 6-10 years of your life
With two out of three Americans (children included) overweight today, we’re learning more and more about the numerous ways that carrying excess weight can really affect our health and diminish our quality of life. But you may not have heard the hard facts about how overweight and obesity can diminish your quantity of life. Simply…
Are you a typical American? Why are we eating so much?
The average American consumes around 4000 calories a day and counting! That’s anywhere from 1500 to 2500 more calories than the average man or woman really needs (children and athletes have different needs). Translation: 3500 calories is equivalent to one pound. If you’re an “average American”, you could be eating anywhere from 12 to 15…