Category: Mens fitness
New Years resolutions tips to help you guarantee success this year.
Hi Friends, Without delay, let us get into the top new years resolutions tips to help you guarantee success this year. And the first tip is critical to your success: Be Realistic: This is the thing that you absolutely must start out with. If you are not realistic about your new years resolution, you are…
Learn the truth about fruit…is it the diabolical diet-killer it’s sometimes made out to be or is it just fruit and actually pretty good for you?!
The answer to the question of whether fruit can or will make you fat isn’t as simple as yes OR no…because the answer is yes AND no. Sound confusing? It’s not so bad! There have been studies done on fruit sugar (fructose) and how it’s metabolized in the body and liver, which I’ll get into…
How to swing a kettlebell correctly!
The kettlebell swing is the foundation movement for a large proportion of kettlebell exercises. The swing utilizes a hip thrust that is fundamental to other kettlebell exercises such as the kettlebell clean and the kettlebell one arm snatch. The swing maximizes muscular endurance in the back and waist, is a great lower body strength builder…
Are you lazy?
I don’t know about you, but I know plenty of lazy people. People that would rather spend the entire day parked on their couch than anywhere else. People that eat take-out food every single night over a good home cooked meal. People that would choose to have a root canal over working out. Of course…
How to overcome emotional eating
Stop trying to “fix” an internal problem with external solutions. Since our beliefs drive our behavior, healthy or unhealthy, then it stands to reason going on another fad diet isn’t the answer to an internal problem. You have to go inside and address the beliefs that are driving you to emotional eating, drink to excess,…
Are you getting enough fat in your diet?
Despite being vilified for many years, dietary fats are one of the 3 main nutrients that your body needs to function properly. Their numerous health benefits include controlling blood levels of cholesterol and glucose, preventing the development of cancer, reducing your heart disease risk and supporting your vital organs (including your brain, your heart, your…
Stabilize blood sugar levels
Blood sugar regulators help to moderate the release of insulin or stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing appetite and cravings and leading to fat loss. Chromium: A mineral that helps to regulate blood sugar and improve glucose tolerance, helping to suppress appetite. Arginine And Leucine: he amino acids arginine and leucine are noncarbohydrate inducers of insulin.…
Create and design your own training program
Most people are confused as to how to design their own fitness program. You want to design a training program based on your specific fitness goals. The program must cover a variety of parameters such as: Desired outcome: What do you want to see happen in X amount of time? Exercise duration: How long are…