1. How do my faith based coaching programs work?
It’s basic:
1. You need to decide which type of specific help you need based on your goals, issues you currently struggle with, accountability needed, etc. Can you be successful with a personalized training program, nutrition guidance [macros included], supplemental materials, and a ton of accountability? Or in addition to all I’ve just listed, do you find yourself struggling with emotional eating or certain habits/behaviors that are keeping you stuck? If you answered yes to needing help with also overcoming emotional eating, limiting beliefs, poor self-esteem then my FAITH over F.E.A.R. [false evidence appearing real] coaching program is for you.
So, choose to receive either your own body transforming, 4 week Jump Start Fitness Program or get more hands on help with my higher tier coaching program: FAITH over F.E.A.R; which focuses on mind, body, & spirit. The majority of my clients who take part in this typically have a history of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse in their childhood. The weight you struggle with now, and those self sabotaging behaviors, are just a symptom of a much larger problem. If you deal with those underlying issues, look at your limiting beliefs, and stop running from your feelings, the weight magically takes care of itself.
2. Once you become a client you will get your initial welcome packet. In this packet you will get your customized training program for the home or gym, you detailed macro sheet, your meal prep guide, nutrition guide, goal setting worksheet, and a few other bonuses. We will also set up your first coaching call to help you become familiar with your unique program.
3. You’ll be given access to my private FB group and introduce yourself.
4. If you choose to stay on, at the end of every month you’ll receive a new training program.
5. You will use the Facebook community to ask any questions you might have or ask for help from other group members. You can share what you are doing well with and what you need help in. This way the community can help support you and you’ll get various perspectives to whatever it is you are struggling with. You will also have access to me via email, text, etc.
2. Will I have to spend countless hours training every day?
That is not necessary, in fact I would ask you to avoid it.
You only need to train at the most, 3-4 days per week, for 30-60 minutes.
(I know how hectic life can be already and I want you to be able to make training fit seamlessly into your life, so it becomes a natural part of what you do)
3. I have over 50 pounds to lose, will this program work for someone like me?
In fact, it really doesn’t matter if you find yourself needing to lose anywhere from 5, 10, 50, or even 100 pounds, my training and coaching program will help you.

Just like it did for my online client, Ryann
Ryann, is down nearly 50 pounds since she started 6 months ago.

As long as you’re willing to put in the work, trust the process, and be willing to ‘do different’ for a while you will get results no matter where you are in your fitness journey.
4. This seems like it’s for young people–I’m 40+ years old, can I use this and still get results?
Short answer: Yes.
My faith based program is suitable for folks of all ages.
In fact, I believe that this is more important for people who are 40+ because it becomes more important to strength train and eat right as we get older. As you know what we eat and how we move has a profound impact on not only our physical health, but mental health as well.
Provided you are willing to show up daily, take the 90 seconds necessary to track your food, and do your part you will get results with my program.
5. I have never tracked macros, is this still for me?
Of course. I have created an easy to follow macro and meal prep guide that will allow you to learn how to do this in under 10 minutes. It isn’t as complicated as it might sound.
6. If I don’t have access to a gym can I still get results?
Yes. It would be to your benefit if you could acquire some small hand weights, stability ball, and yoga mat if training at home.
I have found that you just need to be honest with yourself. If you know for a fact that you would train harder or be more consistent in the gym, get a membership. If you are disciplined enough to do it at home, train there. For myself, I know I need to get outside of my home for a quality work out session.
7. What if I don’t know how to perform an exercise?
I’ve got you covered.
I have links to demo the exercises and can provide a video tutorial if necessary.
8. I have a special diet or can’t eat certain things. Can you still work with someone like me?
Yes, indeed. The unique thing about my program is that you get to choose what you will and will not eat. Because we are macro counting, no foods are off limits. I will help you to create a menu that you enjoy and will stick to for life! I don’t force you to eat anything that you don’t like or are allergic to.
All the information that you will need to create a killer menu is provided to you.
9. What kind of results can I expect?
I know that you want results uber fast, but the reality is that long term, sustainable results take time.
We don’t put on 30 pounds in a week, so don’t expect for it to come off in a week.
My focus isn’t on having you utilize my program, lose weight, only to regain it again. However, I do like to take an aggressive approach to fat loss with my clients and the average weight loss in a 4 week period is 12 pounds and up to 12 inches.
Just how quickly you get results will depend on many things, most of those involving you and being consistent.
It took Ryann close to 6 months to lose nearly 50 pounds. She achieved this because she was consistent, followed the program and got back on track when she had some minor slip ups.

I can guarantee you results if you show up, do the work, and trust the process.
Between now and the new year you will think about trying some new fad diet or quick fix and I don’t want that for you. We both already know how that will end because you’ve done it in the past. I want you to ditch the gimmicks, diet pills and shakes, and do what works.
Come into this with your mind right, realistic expectations and be prepared for massive success.
10. I’m scared to try again. What if I don’t get results?
I totally understand how scary it can be for some to try again. Afterall, you have tried programs in the past and failed so why would this be any different. My philosophy towards weight loss and overall change is different. I focus on the mind, body, and spirit, with my faith-based program. I have found that if you neglect any of these areas that long-lasting change simply isn’t possible.
There are reasons why we emotionally eat, binge on foods, and stay stuck repeating behaviors that hurt us. This is where my unique program will help you. We will look at why you are doing what you’re doing, come up with a plan to help you do different, give you new tools to cope, and learn to live life without running from it with food, etc. By addressing the mind, body, and spirit you can expect to not only have success with weight loss, but also see positive changes in other areas of your life.
11. How do I pay?
I invoice all my clients via my secure PayPal business account.
12. How long does the program last?
That depends on the option you choose. My customized training programs can be done in 4, 8, or 12-week blocks. My higher tier coaching program: FAITH over F.E.A.R. runs in 4-week blocks.
13. I don’t really like to use Facebook. Do I have to join the group?
Not at all.
I will say however, that those who join the group and remain engaged get more out of their time working with me. I encourage you to allow yourself to become uncomfortable and do things that you normally wouldn’t do. Also, be willing to allow others to encourage you, while you do the same.
14. How much does this cost again?
Again, that will depend on what coaching service you choose to go with. My customized training programs start at $199.99 for 4 weeks and goes up from there. For my higher tier coaching services we would need to set up a free consultation call to see if you qualify and if we would be a good fit to work together.
15. Why haven’t I invested in you yet?
What a great question.
If you want to learn how to never diet again, overcome your limiting beliefs, say goodbye to emotional eating, learn how to handle intense emotions without using food to numb, get stronger, look better, and wear clothes that you look amazing in, try my simple, yet proven coaching services.
Contact me NOW.

Below are some testimonials from some group members:
“I couldn’t figure out why I was struggling to lose the 15 pounds I had gained 3 years ago. I mean, I had lost 100 pounds, so why is 15 so difficult? During the first few weeks, he helped me realize that there had only been about a 3 week period in the past 4 years that I had NOT been in dieting mode. It’s time to fuel my body, maintain, rest, and recover for a few months. Thanks, Brandon!”
“So stoked!! I noticed one other thing. We have a tiny kitchen and normally if I’m in it ppl are banging into me to get around. Sandra walked past me yesterday and didn’t even brush me let alone bang into me!! and her friend, Pat, said to her that she’s noticed that I’ve gotten smaller!! ””
The mental game will continue. I have talked the talk….walked the walk…and fallen down so many times. That said…I ALWAYS get back up!! My prayer is this…God give me the strength to be more like you! This group…the way I embraced it as guided my steps on the road to healthier habits! I will continue on this path. God bless.
“ I noticed I felt better and slept better on the days I exercised. On the days I didn’t, I seemed less energetic or enthusiastic. Shooting for 3-4 exercise days this week!”
You can have the same results as these ladies and more. I have made this so simple that there is really no way you can not succeed. No more guessing, no wondering if what you’re doing is the ‘right thing’ to do, no more feeling alone and isolated.
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