Category: Uncategorized
How are you spending your time?
This topic has been on my mind a lot lately, so I decided to share it with all of you. I want you to take a minute to think about the most valuable thing that we own, but many of us don’t realize the true value of it until it is gone. We waste it…
Exercises to strengthen your core
Watch this is you have any kind of low back issues. ☝️ You must strengthen your core, booty, and possibly other weak muscle groups. There may be some you need to stretch and others you need to leave alone. This isn’t a ‘quick fix’ issue by any means, but if you’re consistent you’ll notice a considerable…
Use these tips to help you lose fat and get in great shape
Use these tips to effectively help you to win the ‘battle of the bulge’ and get in the best shape of your life. Tip #1: Get your calories from solid foods, reducing your consumption of sugary drinks and soda. Tip #2: To reduce how much you eat, drink a glass of water 30 minutes before,…
Soccer Specific Fitness Program
Do you want your child to become a better athlete, avoid injuries, improve their confidence on the pitch? if so, they should be doing some form of strength training, along with more technical work as they get older. This is especially true for the female athlete as this will help to reduce, or prevent, many…
Being Overweight or Obese Sucks
Being overweight or clinically obese SUCKS. I don’t care what anyone else says or tries to convince themselves of. It is unhealthy, it is mentally and physically exhausting, it erodes your self-esteem, and can rob you of a decent life. I know firsthand because for YEARS I was obese. I tried to convince myself that…
Avoid yo-yo dieting
I see this far too often from people with good intentions. The crazy low calorie diets that people are going to go on in hopes of losing WEIGHT. You really should be after FAT LOSS, but I know what you’re saying. EAT LESS AND MOVE MORE! That is the mantra of most of you out…