9 easy ways to avoid a weight loss plateau

Here are 9 simple things that you can do to get your weight loss moving in the right direction if you’ve hit a plateau.

Exercise more.

This seems obvious enough, but many don’t do it. If you’re training 2x a week, then try adding in another 2 days of activity to your training program. You may also need to increase the intensity of your training as well. The benefits of strength training are many, but some of the most important are they negate a metabolic decline as you diet, and help you to retain lean muscle mass. Both are important for weight loss.

Be aware of what you are eating.

Track your food. It can prove to be invaluable if you’re struggling to lose weight. We can forget what we had at breakfast, grazed on before lunch, and what we had after dinner. If you track what you’re eating (calories/macros) then you will start to see a pattern of why you’re not losing weight. You are most likely still eating too much if the scale won’t budge. I use the Nutritionist app myself to track, but there are others out there. Most people tend to under-report what they are eating so this is a good thing for many of you to try.

Chill out, bro.

No, seriously. You need to learn to relax. Being stressed out all the time will wreak havoc within your body. Being stressed out will cause the body to release cortisol, which can help to manage stress, but also lead to a bigger belly. If you’re constantly stressed out, you’ll be producing more cortisol which will make fat loss hard. You’ll also notice you don’t sleep as well, crave sugar more and pretty much suck to be around. Try to find some ways in which you can reduce your overall level of stress. You can walk, meditate, volunteer at a local shelter, etc.

Ditch the alcohol.

Who doesn’t like a nice cocktail from time to time? If your goals are to decrease body-fat you may want to abstain if you can’t limit yourself to just 1 or 2. Not only is there no nutritional value in alcohol, but many who drink end up consuming more calories than if they were not to drink at all. Alcohol lowers inhibition and all the sudden you don’t care about your diet and that hunk of chocolate looks pretty dang good! Alcohol may also suppress fat burning. If you’re going to drink you need to know what a serving is. Those wine glasses of yours hold more than one…I’m just saying.

Eat more protein.

This seems to be a hard one for people, especially women, to do. Not only does protein help keep you feeling fuller for longer periods of time, it can also help you to retain lean muscle mass as you diet down. The thermic effect for protein is also higher, so this may give your metabolism a little boost. Eat a little bit of protein at each meal, aiming for 15-25 grams.

Go to bed.

Unless you want to look and feel like an extra in the Walking Dead you need to get your sleep. Studies have shown that those who don’t get enough sleep can experience metabolic decline, weight gain, crave high sugar/fat foods, and hormonal issues within the body. I do well with 7-9 hours of sleep as do many of my clients. Turn off your smart phone, TV, and iPod and go to sleep!

Eat more fiber.

Getting enough fiber (soluble/insoluble) in your diet can help you to lose weight because you feel fuller longer. It slows the rate at which the food moves through your digestive tract. It also helps to keep you regular so you don’t feel like a bloated whale. Most of us don’t get enough fiber in our diets and that is due to the over-consumption of too many processed foods. Try to get 20-30 grams in daily. I like to use hemp protein to help in this area.

Eat your veggies.

Vegetables are an amazing way to help facilitate weight loss. Not only are they packed with vitamins and minerals, they are typically low in calories, high in fiber, and fill you up. When I sit down to eat my major meals, half of my plate is loaded with veggies. Get in mah belly!

Keep moving.

Don’t expect to lose much weight if you only go to the gym for an hour, but spend the rest of the day sitting on your gluteus maximus. You need to stay active! You can do this by just doing regular household chores, stand at your job for 5-10 minutes for every hour you sit, walk on your lunch break, etc. Find creative ways in which you can add more activity into your day.

There you have it folks, 9 simple ways in which you can help to keep the weight loss train moving, choo! choo!


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